Is It Bad Luck To Flip A Calendar Early?

Did somebody scold you for flipping from May to June a few days early, telling you it’s bad luck to flip a calendar early? Well, you’re not alone, it’s probably happened to a lot us. Across the globe, kids flip their calendar ahead for a lot of reasons. Maybe they’re planning out how to save … Read more

Is Reusing Birthday Candles Bad Luck?

Ah, another year around the sun. This calls for a celebration! Time to buy a delicious cake and throw a birthday party. We have the guests, the ice cream, the gifts. And, don’t forget the most important part – the birthday candles! After all, you can’t have a proper birthday party without singing “Happy Birthday” … Read more

Is It Bad Luck To Put A Tent Up Indoors?

Is it bad luck to put a tent up indoors? It’s a question pitched to us once in a while (pun intended). However, it seems to be more of an extension of logic than a genuine traditional belief. So, let’s look at this together and find out whether you need to worry about “bad luck” … Read more